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Application Development II

Milestone 4a: Firebase, Storage, and Accessibility

The penultimate milestone will see you continue to improve the quality of your application, while also setting up a Firebase account to use external services for features like authentication
Milestone 4Overview
Due:December 1
Hand-in:In-class (short) presentation
Notes:Course late penalty applies.

In addition to a short progress update (like Milestone 3a/3b), your app will now need to include Accessibility and Data storage features learned from the Assignment 4 codelabs.

Like Milestone 3b, a portion of your grade will be based on participation in lectures leading up to the Milestone (week of Nov 26-Dec 1).

In class, I will hand out self/peer assessments. On Dec 1, teams will prepare (short, 5-10min) presentations updating the class on their project so far.

The grade you/your teammates receive is schemed out of 70 marks total:

  • (10): Participation in-class in all lectures (Nov 27 / 29 / Dec 1) leading up to the milestone**
  • (10): Progress on defined requirements / updates to requirements
  • (10): Quality of repository management / issue-tracking / progress documentation
  • (10): Individual contribution to project
  • (10): Implementation of Accessibility best practises for Android in Compose for your application (see Assignment 4)
    • Expectations:
      • You should have a defined issue which tracks and shows the commits where these features were added that has been accepted by your team and pulled into your main branch.
      • You should be prepared to demonstrate your progress on this on Dec 1.
  • (10): Implementation of Android Datastore for your application (see Assignment 4)
    • Expectations:
      • You should have a defined issue which tracks and shows the commits where these features were added that has been accepted by your team and pulled into your main branch.
      • You should be prepared to demonstrate your progress on this on Dec 1.
    • (new option, recommended) Firebase integration used for Authentication (see Talib’s notes from Nov 24)
    • (original option, will be covered by Milestone4b) GitHub CI/CD for Android: publishing a versioned release that automatically updates when main branch is updated.