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Application Development II

Milestone 3b: Improving the quality of your project code (Version 2)

Along with progressing on your defined proposal, you make use of the knowledge gained in Assignment 3 to improve the quality of your application's Navigation and State management
Milestone 3b (Version 2)Overview
Due:Nov 24
Hand-in:In class (short) presentation
Notes:Course late penalty applies.

In addition to a short progress update (like Milestone 3a), your app will now need to include advanced Navigation and State Management behavior learned in Assignment 3.

Marking scheme (updates on Nov 15 marked in bold)

In class, I will hand out self/peer assessments. On Nov 24, teams will prepare (short, 5-10min) presentations updating the class on their project so far.

One new feature: I will ensure your up to date project code is pulled to the teaching computer in P322 — a portion of your presentation should focus on exploring your source code and demonstrating that you have been meeting defined requirements.

The grade you/your teammates is schemed out of 70 marks total:

  • (10): Participation in-class in all lectures (Nov 15 / 17 / 20) leading up to the milestone
  • (10): Progress on defined requirements / updates to requirements
  • (10): Quality of repository management / issue-tracking / progress documentation
  • (10): Individual contribution to project
  • (15): Implementation of advanced Navigation in Compose for managing navigation in your application (see Assignment 3)
    • Expectations:
      • You should have a defined issue which tracks and shows the commits where these features were added that has been accepted by your team and pulled into your main branch.
      • You should be prepared to demonstrate your progress on this on Nov 17.
  • (15): Implementation of state management (coroutines, landing screen, ViewModel) (see Assignment 3)
    • Expectations:
      • You should have a defined issue which tracks and shows the commits where these features were added that has been accepted by your team and pulled into your main branch.
      • You should be prepared to demonstrate your progress on this on Nov 17.