Milestone 3 | Overview |
Worth: | 3% |
Due: | Nov 3 |
Hand-in: | In-class (short) presentation |
Notes: | Course late penalty applies. |
As we already have links to your repository, there will be no discrete hand-in for this. The goal: make concrete progress on your project according to the proposals you created on GitHub, and give/get feedback on what you’ve found difficult/easy/worthwhile so far to share with other groups.
The presentation should not require preparation/slides/etc., it’s more informal this time. That said, you should try to have made some progress on your project to share!
Marking scheme
In class, I will hand out self/peer assessments. On Nov 3, teams will prepare (short, ~5min) presentations updating the class on their project so far.
The scheme will be something like, out of 30 marks total:
- (10): Progress on defined requirements from Milestone 2b / updates to requirements
- (10): Quality of repository management / issue-tracking / progress documentation
- (10): Individual contribution to project
I will also fill out these assements for everyone, and your final mark will be some combination self/peer/my evaluation.