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Application Development II

Milestone 1: Introduction to Android applications

In this milestone, we will get a better picture of what is possible using Jetpack Compose by inspecting/building/running/modifying the source code of sample applications we can find on GitHub.
Milestone 1Overview
Ponderation:1.5 hour class time, 2 hours homework (x3 people).
Due:September 15, 3:30pm
Hand-in:In-class presentation

For this milestone, you will get a better picture of what is possible using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose by inspecting sample applications from GitHub. You will also learn more about project configuration, and get used to working with your teammates.


  • This is a Group assignment (make groups of 2-3)
  • The goal of this assignment is to demonstrate the ability to analyze existing code and to understand the basic structure and design of a Kotlin-Compose app

Each team member should fork an existing Android application from the following link:

  • Each group must choose a different app. Claim it on Moodle.
  • Each team member should build and run it locally
  • As a team, inspect the project file structure, the source code and the configuration files (yaml and gradle), as well as analyze the running product itself.
  • Give a presentation in class (with a slide deck) discussing your joint findings as follows:
    • A brief primer on the app itself (i.e., what is it, what can you do with it, etc.)
    • How is their Kotlin code structured and what you learned from this program about Kotlin
    • How is their Compose UI structured and what you learned from this program about Compose
    • What configuration approach the code uses and what you learned from it. (i.e., how is the project build/packaged/delieverd? How is this controlled in configuration files? We haven’t covered this in much detail YET in class: we will learn more. Don’t worry if your understanding isn’t perfect)
    • Each slide should indicate who created it and who presented it.
    • All team members must participate in the presentation
    • You have at most 10 minutes to present.

  • 20% Timeliness and professional conduct in presentation
  • 60% Quality of presentation content
  • 20% Individual contributions (will be based on self-reports and teacher assessment)

  • Submit presentation file on Moodle by 4pm.
  • Remain in class to provide peer-evaluation on the presentations of others.
  • Late Penalty:
    • Presentation slides must be handed in on Moodle by 4:00pm on September 15. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good!
  • Original work!
    • “Your submitted work must be clear, complete, and YOUR OWN. You must be prepared to explain any of your work to me in person. Failure to be able to defend your work, or do a similar question in front of me in person can/will void any grade you get on this assignment.”