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Application Development II

Functional Programming in Kotlin

How does Functional Programming work in Kotlin?

These notes are, in part, adapted from Lesson 2: Functions by Google Developers. There may be some mistakes — let me know if there is something here that doesn’t make sense.

One of the major differences between Kotlin and Java/C# is that Kotlin is a functional programming language. This has major consequences for how functions are internally represented by the compiler, and how they can be used by developers:

  • Functions can be stored in variables and data structures
  • Functions can be passed as arguments to, and returned from, other higher-order functions
  • Higher-order functions can create new “built-in” functions

This set of notes introduces lambdas, higher-order functions, and a variety of applications for those concepts. It might seem a bit abstract at first, but pretty soon you’ll find that the code you write feels elegant and expresses the solution to your problems quite well.

In addition to traditional named functions, Kotlin supports lambdas:

var dirtLevel = 20
val waterFilter = {level: Int -> level / 2}
println(waterFilter(dirtLevel)) // result: 10
var dirtLevel = 20
val waterFilter = {level: Int -> level / 2}
println(waterFilter(dirtLevel)) // result: 10

A lambda is an expression that creates a function. Instead of declaring a named function, a lambda declares a function that has no name — in a profound sense, this is just like how literals are declarations of values that have no name!

Part of what makes this useful is that lambda expressions can be treated like any other data: stored in variables, passed as function parameters, etc.

The basic lambda syntax in Kotlin is quite similar to other languages that support lambdas (including Java, since Java 8). In general, lambdas are written in the following way:

// Complete (all optional statements included)
val varName: (Parameter1Type, ..., ParameterNType) -> ReturnType =
{ p1: P1Type, ..., pN: PNType -> function body }
// Concise (optional statements redacted)
val varName = { p1: P1Type, ..., pN: PNType -> function body }
// Complete (all optional statements included)
val varName: (Parameter1Type, ..., ParameterNType) -> ReturnType =
{ p1: P1Type, ..., pN: PNType -> function body }
// Concise (optional statements redacted)
val varName = { p1: P1Type, ..., pN: PNType -> function body }

Let’s see a concrete example, similar to the calculator example I gave in class:

// Complete (all optional statements included)
val sum: (Int, Int) -> Int = { x: Int, y: Int -> return x + y }
// Concise (optional statements redacted)
val sum = { x: Int, y: Int -> x + y }
// Even More Concise (changes the meaning, though, be careful about types!)
val sum = { x, y -> x + y }
// Complete (all optional statements included)
val sum: (Int, Int) -> Int = { x: Int, y: Int -> return x + y }
// Concise (optional statements redacted)
val sum = { x: Int, y: Int -> x + y }
// Even More Concise (changes the meaning, though, be careful about types!)
val sum = { x, y -> x + y }

According to the Kotlin Docs:

  • A lambda expression is always surrounded by curly braces.
  • Parameter declarations in the full syntactic form go inside curly braces and have optional type annotations.
  • The body goes after the ->.
  • If the inferred return type of the lambda is not Unit, the last expression inside the lambda body is treated as the return value.
    • This is why we don’t need a return statement in the example above: x+y is the last statement in the body, so the result of that expression is returned.
    • if the inferred type IS unit, there is no need for a return statement anyway (review the Unit type if that confuses you)

Like named functions, lambdas can have parameters. For lambdas, the parameters (and their types, if needed) go on the left of what is called a function arrow ->. The code to execute goes to the right of the function arrow. Once the lambda is assigned to a variable, you can call it just like a function.

val waterFilter: (Int) -> Int = {level -> level / 2}
println(waterFilter(200)) // result: 100
val waterFilter: (Int) -> Int = {level -> level / 2}
println(waterFilter(200)) // result: 100

Here’s what the code says:

  • Make a variable called waterFilter.
  • waterFilter can be any function that takes an Int and returns an Int.
  • Assign a lambda to waterFilter.
  • The lambda returns the value of the argument level divided by 2.

The real power of lambdas is using them to create higher-order functions, where the argument to one function is another function.

Higher-order functions take functions as parameters, or return a function:

fun encodeMsg(msg: String, encode: (String) -> String): String {
return encode(msg)
fun encodeMsg(msg: String, encode: (String) -> String): String {
return encode(msg)

The body of the code calls the function that was passed as the second argument, and passes the first argument along to that function. Using functions as parameters separates the implementation of a function from its usage.

That is, in this example, we can “encode” a message with ANY function that obeys the (String) -> String contract specified by the encode parameter type, allowing us great flexibility to change the behavior of the encodeMsg function when we use it, without having to rewrite the function.

To call this function, pass it a string and a function as arguments:

val enc1: (String) -> String = { input -> input.toUpperCase() }
val engToFr: (String) -> String = {
// implementation redacted...
println(encodeMsg("Here is a message", enc1)) // result: "HERE IS A MESSAGE"
println(encodeMsg("Here is a message", engToFr)) // result: "Voici un message"
val enc1: (String) -> String = { input -> input.toUpperCase() }
val engToFr: (String) -> String = {
// implementation redacted...
println(encodeMsg("Here is a message", enc1)) // result: "HERE IS A MESSAGE"
println(encodeMsg("Here is a message", engToFr)) // result: "Voici un message"

Here, allowing the encoder to be passed as a function means you can use better or different encoding algorithms when things change without having to hardcode one into the app. It also provides abstraction by allowing one receiver to be used in different places without specialized code.

The examples above used lambdas, stored in variables, to pass function behavior from one function into another. The same syntax does not work for named functions, even when the parameter/return type is specified correctly.

All is not lost: we can use the :: operator to pass a named function an argument to another function:

fun someEncodeFun(input: String): String {
return input.reversed()
encodeMsg("Here is a message", someEncodeFun) // error!
encodeMsg("Here is a message", ::someEncodeFun) // result: "egassem a si ereH"
fun someEncodeFun(input: String): String {
return input.reversed()
encodeMsg("Here is a message", someEncodeFun) // error!
encodeMsg("Here is a message", ::someEncodeFun) // result: "egassem a si ereH"

The :: makes it clear to the compiler that you are passing the function reference as an argument, not trying to call the function.

Kotlin prefers that any parameter that takes a function is the last parameter. This allows us a neat syntactic sugar, where the final parameter of a function call can be placed outside of the round brackets of the function, leaving room for multi-line functions without crowding up the argument list:

The following four lines of code are equivalent:

// normal parameter specification
encodeMessage("acronym", { input -> input.toUpperCase() })
// "last parameter call" lambda outside of the round brackets
encodeMessage("acronym") { input -> input.toUpperCase() }
These two examples are the same as above but with extra whitespace,
to make clear how this stuff works when lambdas span multiple lines
encodeMessage("acronym", {
input -> input.toUpperCase()
encodeMessage("acronym") {
input -> input.toUpperCase()
// normal parameter specification
encodeMessage("acronym", { input -> input.toUpperCase() })
// "last parameter call" lambda outside of the round brackets
encodeMessage("acronym") { input -> input.toUpperCase() }
These two examples are the same as above but with extra whitespace,
to make clear how this stuff works when lambdas span multiple lines
encodeMessage("acronym", {
input -> input.toUpperCase()
encodeMessage("acronym") {
input -> input.toUpperCase()

Many Kotlin built-in functions are defined using last parameter call syntax:

inline fun repeat(times: Int, action: (Int) -> Unit)
repeat(3) {
inline fun repeat(times: Int, action: (Int) -> Unit)
repeat(3) {

One of the best ways to see the utility of functional programming paradigms like higher-order functions is how they allow us to manipulate collections of data.

Consider the following problem:

val colours = listOf("red", "red-orange", "dark red", "orange", "bright orange", "saffron")
// Requirement: print out all colours in the list above that contain "red"
val redColours = // ??
println(redColours) // red, red-orange, dark red
val colours = listOf("red", "red-orange", "dark red", "orange", "bright orange", "saffron")
// Requirement: print out all colours in the list above that contain "red"
val redColours = // ??
println(redColours) // red, red-orange, dark red

In Kotlin, the built-in function filter() excels at such tasks:

val redcolours = colours.filter {
colour: String -> colour.contains("red")
println(redColours) // try it yourself and see if it works!
val redcolours = colours.filter {
colour: String -> colour.contains("red")
println(redColours) // try it yourself and see if it works!

How does this work? Here’s what you need to know:

  • filter() is defined for all basic collection types (Int Arrays, String Lists, Float Sets, etc.)
  • filter() takes one parameter: a lambda function with the collection type (Int for Int Arrays, String for String Lists, Float for Float Sets, etc.) as a parameter, and returns a boolean indicating if each value in the collection “passes” the filter or not. This lambda parameter is called a predicate

Remember the Last call parameter syntax we just learned! The round brackets can be omitted from the filter call since the only relevant parameter is the predicate lambda (contained in the {} brackets), and as the “last call parameter”, it can sit outside of the round parameters as discussed.

Here’s another example: filtering out positive numbers from a collection:

val ints = listOf( -1 , 2 , -3 )
ints.filter { n: Int -> n > 0 } // returns 2
// equivalent to the line above (type inference: the type of n is inferred because ints is a list of Ints)
ints.filter { n -> n > 0 }
val ints = listOf( -1 , 2 , -3 )
ints.filter { n: Int -> n > 0 } // returns 2
// equivalent to the line above (type inference: the type of n is inferred because ints is a list of Ints)
ints.filter { n -> n > 0 }

Another way to write the same filter:

val ints = listOf( -1 , 2 , -3 )
ints.filter { it > 0 } // returns 2
val ints = listOf( -1 , 2 , -3 )
ints.filter { it > 0 } // returns 2

Wow! Let’s break that down:

  • What is it? The it keyword is built-in to Kotlin for lambdas that have only one parameter — the type and name of the parameter can be automatically inferred.
  • it is short for “iterator”, since these kind of expressions are very common when iterating through a collection of data.

Basically, if a function literal has only one parameter, you can omit its declaration and the ->. The parameter is implicitly declared under the name it. Function literals with exactly one parameter don’t require you to define the parameter explicitly; you can just use it. This makes a lot of the language constructs like filter easier to use as you don’t have to specify the name of the parameter.

The filter condition in curly braces {} tests each item in the collection as the filter loops through. If the expression returns true, the item is included.

Let’s use a filter to print only the decorations that start with the letter “b”. The output captured by the filter is shown in the result.

val books = listOf("nature", "biology", "birds")
println(books.filter { it[0] == 'b' })
val books = listOf("nature", "biology", "birds")
println(books.filter { it[0] == 'b' })

Remember: Strings are lists of Char in Kotlin, and can be indexed like an array. Also remember: Kotlin is similar to C# in that String literals use double quotes ", while Char literals use single quotes '

In Kotlin, when a list is filtered, the resulting list can either be created immediately, or when the list is accessed. That is, it can be either eager or lazy depending on which way you need it to be. By default, filter is eager, and each time you use the filter, a list is created.

Filters are eager by default. A new list is created each time you use a filter.

val instruments = listOf("viola", "cello", "violin")
val eager = instruments.filter { it[0] == 'v' }
println("eager: " + eager) // returns eager: [viola, violin]
val instruments = listOf("viola", "cello", "violin")
val eager = instruments.filter { it[0] == 'v' }
println("eager: " + eager) // returns eager: [viola, violin]

To make the filter lazy, you can use a Sequence, which is a collection that can only look at one item at a time, starting at the beginning, and going to the end.

Sequences let you process elements one by one until a filtering condition is satisfied, reducing unnecessary processing. Conveniently, this is exactly the API that a lazy filter needs.

val instruments = listOf( "viola", "cello", "violin" )
val filtered = instruments.asSequence().filter { it[ 0 ] == 'v' }
println( "filtered: " + filtered) // filtered: kotlin.sequences.FilteringSequence@386cc1c4
val instruments = listOf( "viola", "cello", "violin" )
val filtered = instruments.asSequence().filter { it[ 0 ] == 'v' }
println( "filtered: " + filtered) // filtered: kotlin.sequences.FilteringSequence@386cc1c4

Here we evaluate the filter using a Sequence with asSequence(), assign the sequence to a variable called filtered, and print it. The result is strange.

When you return the filter results as a sequence, the filtered variable won’t hold a new list: it will hold a sequence of the list elements and knowledge of the filter to apply to those elements.

Here’s the useful part — until we access some given element, the list will not be iterated. Whenever you access some given elements of the sequence, the filter is applied, and the result is returned to you. This allows us to separate expensive operations on large lists from the declaration of the filter. This example is poor — lazy evaluation is very useful only when the collections in question are large enough to be “expensive” to iterate.

Sequences themselves are sort of an intermediate product — in order to reap the rewards of being lazy, we do need to eventually turn the sequence back into a list using toList().

val instruments = listOf( "viola", "cello", "violin" )
val filtered = instruments.asSequence().filter { it[0] == 'v' } // the list has not been iterated yet
/* ... any amount of code can go here ... */
val newList = filtered.toList() // NOW the list is iterated
println( "new list: " + newList) // ⇒ new list: [viola, violin]
val instruments = listOf( "viola", "cello", "violin" )
val filtered = instruments.asSequence().filter { it[0] == 'v' } // the list has not been iterated yet
/* ... any amount of code can go here ... */
val newList = filtered.toList() // NOW the list is iterated
println( "new list: " + newList) // ⇒ new list: [viola, violin]

The toList() built-in function forces evaluation of the sequence by converting it to a list. This lets us actually print a result at the end.

Evaluation of expressions in lists:

  • Eager: occurs regardless of whether the result is ever used
  • Lazy: occurs only if necessary at runtime

Lazy evaluation of lists is useful if you don’t need the entire result, or if the list is exceptionally large and multiple copies wouldn’t wouldn’t fit into RAM.

Lazy operations are more expensive individually (due to an increase in small allocations and branches) than eager ones, and they should be limited to when there is a known benefit. Using lazy evaluation is especially helpful when working with large collections where you want to avoid performing expensive operations when you only need part of the results.

Filtering a collection is all well and good, and the filter() function gives us a powerful and flexible API for specifying an infinite number of ways of doing so. There’s quite a bit more we can do with collections — most of which have to do with transforming collection data.

To iterate through a collection and apply a function to each item in the collection, transforming each item in a collection, we use the built-in map() function.

map() performs the same transform on every item and returns a new list corresponding to each result:

val numbers = setOf(1, 2 , 3)
println( { it * 3 }) // => [3, 6, 9]
val numbers = setOf(1, 2 , 3)
println( { it * 3 }) // => [3, 6, 9]

Given a nested collection, the built-in flatten() function returns a single list of all the elements of nested collections.

val numberSets = listOf(setOf(1 , 2 , 3), setOf(4, 5), setOf(1 ,2 ))
println(numberSets.flatten()) // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2]
val numberSets = listOf(setOf(1 , 2 , 3), setOf(4, 5), setOf(1 ,2 ))
println(numberSets.flatten()) // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2]

In this lesson, you learned how to:

  • Use the returned value of an expression
  • Use default arguments to replace multiple versions of a function
  • Use compact functions, to make code more readable
  • Use lambdas and higher-order functions
  • Use eager and lazy list filters

Practice what you’ve learned by completing the codelab below:

Kotlin bootcamp for Programmers: Lesson 3: Functions

Additional exercises can be found here: Android development with Kotlin, Lesson 2: Functions